"A Certain Lack of Coherence" is the title of a Jimmie Durham's book. Written throughout the '70s and '80s, these collected texts called for the unison of the Native Americans against the myths that had been drawn up by the Western world in relation to the Other, whether considering this Other as exotic or as primitive. For Jimmie Durham, art and its institutions cannot be severed from political reality. In the mentioned book one may find two texts that put into question the artist's model and role: "Artists must begin helping themselves" and "Interview with a 10,000 year old artist".


"Uma certa falta de coerência" ("A Certain Lack of Coherence") is defined as an artist-run space for the exhibition and discussion of art-related projects. This is done in tandem and in the development of previous similar projects throughout the city of Porto, a gesture we deem continuously essential.

"Uma certa falta de coerência" is sited at Rua dos Caldeireiros, no. 77, Porto. Before the present project, this place was a restaurant, and then an Indian products store. Even a ballpoint pen collector tried to establish a shop here. At the end of this very narrow street of Porto's historical centre, the sun barely touches the street's cobbles and humidity is an all-year problem. Therefore, the conditions for the preservation of Art, or works of art, couldn't be worst than they are. However, we know that these conditions are also the most stimulating for Art.

In the same street, at number 213, between 1999 and 2001, there was another similar project, called Caldeira 213, which was crucial for the founding of the emergence of the independent spaces circuit of Porto. The goal of the present project is not to celebrate or to invocate the recent history of the city, but rather to operate a return of artistic activities to the Rua dos Caldeireiros, which makes us think of a cyclic movement, and the need to make sure it will continue. Ten years have passed.

More often than not, independent spaces have short or intermittent life spans, given the fact they are limited to the possibilities brought about by those who manage them and to the limitations of the occupied spaces themselves. The recent weakening or outright end of some of these spaces has provoked an involuntary detachment of the people that used to visit them. This leads us to question the concept of community. A dangerous collective carelessness can destroy all the preceding effort and dedication towards the construction of a meaningful and real community. The continuous cannot be replaced with the sporadic.

This project appears, thus, with the urgency of the continuity of a community-forming gesture, being its main goals the stimulation of the encounter and the confrontation between all those who are interested in artistic proposals, who are willing to question themselves, to question things all around them and who are willing to express those questions.


In our country, the statutes of artist, organiser, producer, curator, critic and even public member, rotates amongst a very small group of people. We wonder about the notion of micro-communities and question the closed, self-obsessed nature of these groups. To the questions, "Who is the public of these spaces?" and "How many are they?", one can answer by pointing to the very scale of the city, as well as to the weak circulation of audiences and of the scene within the country. This project reflects the stubbornness in accepting the widespread stagnation that takes over the city and the country. This project is part of a continuous project, which takes time and space. By insisting as those who train and practice, "Uma certa falta de coerência" proposes a discussion of the Art and the Real in a real, physical space.

The conditions are not the best. No one owes anything to anyone. We do it because we want to and for those who want it too.


The "Uma certa falta de coerência" project belongs to all those who want to become part of it. We want to try out new forms of chipping in for costs, sharing responsibilities, and distributing tasks: the project has as goals to forward new looks upon things, to present a diverse programming and to build a network of relationships that goes well beyond the limits of friendship or geography.

- The responsibility of the programming, or curatorship, will be handed over to a guest (whether individually or as a group), who should propose a set of three exhibitions or events, accordingly entirely to his or her own will. We want to collaborate with those who are ready to help us out. The programming, then, will be a shared responsibility.

- The space's monthly rent is of 175 Euros. These costs can be distributed among those who are ready to collaborate. Donations are also accepted, and donators are entitled for the regular raffles (of an art work): each auction is for a total of 50 tickets of 5 Euros each.

- The space and the projects can be visited at the opening day/night and during Saturday afternoons, from 3h30 PM to 7h30 PM. Visits by appointment are also possible. Voluntary work is also accepted, for rotating schedules (which can be paid with a raffle ticket).

- The space has no commercial activities.

"Uma certa falta de coerência" is a space that does not wish to live forever, as much as coherence doesn't exist forever either.

January, 2008.

André Sousa Mauro Cerqueira

Translation: Pedro Moura